Jan 11, 2009

Monobolo kit

Make you diabolo spin like spinning top without losing a posibility to use it as a regular diabolo.

Well this thing happened few years back as well, might be three as well. Long time ago anyway. I was thinking of building an act in a way they have these plate acts. Plates just keep on spinning on poles. I basicly wanted to replicate that but with spinning top diabolos they used in China. I didn't know where to get that kind of diabolos so I thought I need to find someone to make me a one. I knew already that Jürgen had made great axle kits for Henry's diabolos so I sent e-mail to him and asked if he could make me a one I wanted. Jürgen got interested and it didn't take too much time to get prototype from him. First this thing was called single sided diabolo but at FDC it got new improved name 'Monobolo' It's a great toy. Every diabolist needs at least one.

Well I still haven't built the platespinning type act with Monobolos but this is video I made for Jürgen just to show that the toy he made for me worked fine.


go raulisamuli@gmail.com

Juggling balls

'Russian style juggling balls'

Story behind these balls...
It all started to happen in Turku almost two years ago. Kaitsu had useless ball shells and I asked him to bring them to Teku if we could make juggling balls from them. Well Kaitsu brought the shells but basicly I didn't do anything, I tried to think how to really make it good. It was Lauri Koskinen who really started to do somethin because he wanted to have a good set of juggling balls. Lauri made some prototypes, none really good, unfortunately. Then Sean Blue came to give some lessons at Teku and he had similar balls like these I'm having now, expect Sean's balls were way smaller. Anyway his ball's had excellent feel and coating. Lauri asked him to send the coating stuff from USA. After some months Lauri got the stuff and first set of these 'russian style' Turku balls was done by Lauri. I got my balls from him. Just excellent balls. Finally all the original shells and coating was finished and the story of these 'Russian style' Turku balls was almost finished.

After lot of work we have shells and coating again, so story of these filled, coated great 'Russian style' Turku balls continues.

I heard that you can't get the real 'Kiev balls' anymore. That even the Kiev jugglers can't get real ones anymore. So these balls make a good substitute. They are different but equal. Turku balls forever.

go raulisamuli@gmail.com

Jan 10, 2009

Yo-yo pouch

Hand made pouch for a yo-yo. True finnish craft, "This side up" -limited edition.Will not break as easy as other one's on the market, i've doubled the string in crucial parts. Two colored with string lock. What else do you need?

Käsin tehty jojo pussi. Vain siksi koska jojosi kaipaa suojaa. "This side up" -limited edition. Ei hajoa niin helposti kuin muut markkinoilla olevat jojo pussit. Saumat kaksinkertaistettu. Kaksivärinen lukolla varustettuna.

GO! marko@kumiankka

Jojo naru Type 6 (2x3)

Tyyppi: Type 6 (2x3)
Koostumus: 100%polyesteriä
Väri: Neon keltainen

Naru sopii hyvin pitkää sleep timeä vaativiin temppuihin. Naru on liukasta ja näin paljon parempaa kuin markkinoilla olevat 100% puuvillanarut. Kirkas väri näkyy hyvin kuvioissa ja itse narukin on kohtuu halpaa. Itse olen käyttänyt tätä jo pitkään ja olen täysin tyytyväinen valintaan. Naruja kannattaa hankkia reippaasti sillä niitä todellakin kannattaa vaihtaa yhtäusein kuin kalsareita. Varsinkin jos treenaat kunnolla.

Kysy näitä Markolta, marko@kumiankka.com

Finnish Diabolo Kit for sale

Finnish Diabolo Kit

Finnish (English below)

Finnish Diabolo Kit on nyt myynnissä! Pullonkorkin avaaja voidaan kiinnittää mihin vain diaboloon joka käyttää akselinaan M6 pulttia. Lisää diaboloon painoa enemmän kuin 50grammaa (oikea paino ei ole tiedossa punnitus kaluston puuttuessa). Lisäpaino ei vakauta diaboloa tai paranna suoritus kykyä. Sen sijaan kaljapullot aukeavat sillä helposti, jopa kaksi pulloa yhtäaikaa! Painavampi diabolo tarkoittaa myös suurempia lihaksia.

Tehty alunperin Henry’s Circus diaboloon.
Kalja ja olutlasi eivät sisälly hintaan. Facetoface tilanteessa hankittuna kaljapullosta voidaan keskustella.

GogogoGO! Kysy, marko@kumiankka.com


Now the Finnish Diabolo Kit is for sale. This bottle cap opener can be mounted on any diabolo which has M6 bolt. Adds the extra weight that is a lot more than 50 grams so you can get bigger muscles while diaboloing and drinking beer. This truly is a choice of Santa and represents everything that is Finnish. Every kit is assembled by native Finn.

Originally made for Henry’s Circus.

Beer and drinking glass not included. If you buy it face-to-face the beer can be arranged.

Ask these from marko@kumiankka.com